virgin islands scene

I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.
-- Lily Tomlin


Thursday, November 25, 1999

Thankful for it all

You’ve often heard that what you focus on grows, and indeed it is true. A quick look back over your own experience will provide ample confirmation of this. Perhaps the most powerful and accessible way to focus on the positive is through gratitude.

Take care not to unnecessarily limit your gratitude. Be thankful not only for the shiny, new, easy, ample, happy, delicious things but also for the things which may not at first appear to be blessings. Find a way to be thankful for the difficulties. Somewhere in each of them is something positive.

Thanksgiving certainly takes more effort when it is directed toward the disappointments as well as the joys. That effort is returned, though, many times over. It enables you to connect with the positive aspect of each situation. Find a way to be thankful for it all, and you’ll uncover value and abundance in every direction.

— Ralph Marston

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