Wednesday, November 17, 1999
Seeing the problems
Indeed life is difficult, but how do we know that? It is only from our absolute certainty that life can be beautiful and fulfilling, that we are able to see it in any one moment as difficult.
It is your very real capacity for wealth and abundance which causes you to see yourself as lacking in any area. Your frustration is made possible only by your overriding perspective of joy and fulfillment. Your doubt would have no meaning if you were not able to believe.
Within the feeling that things are bad is a powerful and compelling desire to make them better, and a certainty that you can indeed make them better. Discontent is a positive indicator. In it is the fruitful seed of progress and achievement.
That you are able to recognize problems as such, means you have already in some ways transcended them. Take heart. You are better than anything which could bring you down. Let the troubles and difficulties move you forward as they are there to do.
Ralph Marston

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