Tuesday, October 5, 1999
The wind will blow
If you go outside on a cold day and forget to wear a coat, the wind will have no mercy on you. You can complain and protest all day long that you had every intention of wearing a coat. You can offer dozens of sound and reasonable excuses for why you didn’t wear a coat. Still, the icy wind will continue to chill you to the bone. When you go out in the cold without a coat you suffer the consequences.
Should you expect any other endeavor to be different? If you want to stay warm, you remember to wear a coat. If you wish to be believed, you always tell the truth. If you desire to accomplish anything, you discipline yourself to take the necessary action. If you’d like to be wealthy, you find a way to create value.
Complaints, excuses, maneuvering, anger, despair and petulance will change none of that. There is an immutable connection between actions and their consequences. Attempt to break or shortcut the connection, and your efforts will be in vain. Yet to the extent that you respect and employ the connection, life will bend to your every wish.
Ralph Marston

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