Saturday, October 2, 1999
Be original
Businesses, politicians and entertainers regularly commission polls, surveys and studies so they can show and tell people exactly what they want to hear. Is that leadership? Is that art? Is that originality? Is there any value in such behavior?
Just imagine all the wonderful things that could be accomplished if more people would have the confidence to be original. Everyone has plenty of unique thoughts but far too few people pay attention to them. We’re much too quick to dismiss our own original thoughts precisely because they are ours.
Do you work hard all day just so you can earn enough money to be like everybody else? Is that the highest goal to shoot for? If you let yourself adopt the same thoughts, actions and sensibilities as everyone else, what is the value of being you?
You are unique. You are special. Never has there been anyone just like you. No one is more qualified to live your life than you. It would be a shame if the special person you are, were to lie hidden for a whole lifetime.
In the entire universe you are a unique creation. Have the confidence to live like it!
Ralph Marston

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