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Common sense ain't common.
-- Will Rogers


Wednesday, September 29, 1999

Easiest or best?

Rather than doing what is easiest, do what is best. Doing what is easiest at the expense of what is best will cheat you out of challenging experiences and the valuable results they bring.

It is easy to watch, yet it is best to participate. It is easy to complain, yet it is best to take positive action. It is easy to take, yet it is best to give, to make, to create. Doing what is best challenges and compels you to be your best. What possible alternative could be better than that?

Doing only what is easy leads to a life that is hard. Doing what is best brings a life that is full. With each decision you face, keep in mind that making the easiest choice may very well preclude you from making the best choice.

Effort is a privilege, not a punishment. Make full use of your considerable abilities. Forget about easy. More often than not it is a deception. When you have the choice, do what is best.

— Ralph Marston

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