virgin islands scene

Things don't turn up in this world until somebody turns them up.
-- James A. Garfield


Wednesday, September 22, 1999

Imagine it

Whatever you can imagine is possible for you. If it were not, how could you even imagine it?

What can you imagine? How big can you dream? Think of all the incredible products, ideas and artistic expressions that didn’t exist ten years ago. The possible goes way beyond the probable. Your possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Look around you at all the incredible things that have been achieved in this world. Each and every one of them existed at one time only in someone’s imagination.

What you become begins with what you imagine. It takes more than imagination, to be sure, but imagination is an essential first step. You have the capacity to imagine anything. You might as well make it the very best. What can you imagine? What can you envision? Let your imagination lead you to a extraordinary reality.

— Ralph Marston

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