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You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.
-- Goldsmith


Tuesday, September 14, 1999

A serious obligation

It does not benefit anyone for you to be anything less than you’re capable of being. When you resign yourself to accept defeat, to live life less than fully, it is more than just a personal defeat. It is an insult to life itself, an affront to the majestic creation of which you’re a vital part.

It is not just your choice, it is not just your right, it is your obligation to live each day with joy and fulfillment. Those who take that obligation seriously serve to advance not only themselves, but their entire world as well.

It is not in any way selfish to seek your own joy and fulfillment. What’s truly selfish is to ignore them. Raise yourself up, with integrity and sincerity, and those around you are raised as well.

You’re living not only for yourself. A whole universe is depending on you to be the best possible you. No one else can do that. It is a weighty obligation, to be sure. Take it, run with it, and live the greatness that is surely your destiny.

— Ralph Marston

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