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Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.
-- Samuel Butler


Saturday, September 4, 1999

Perfectly imperfect

It is difficult to develop a burning desire for that which you already have. And without desire, it is virtually impossible to achieve anything of value.

So remember to be thankful not only for your blessings, but also for the things which you do not have. It is those things, which you desire but do not yet have, that will supply you with enough motivation and determination to bring growth and fulfillment.

What you have will sustain you, and what you don’t have will compel you to take action. That fertile space between desire and fulfillment is where you will find much of life’s richness.

If the world were exactly to your liking, you would have no need or desire to make a difference. Fortunately, you see the imperfections and the shortcomings every day. You know things could be better than they are, and that knowledge spurs you onward.

The world is perfectly imperfect. You don’t have it all. Would you ever want it any other way?

— Ralph Marston

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