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You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
-- Henry Ford


Thursday, August 12, 1999


Desire separates the possible from the impossible. Anything is possible if you have a strong enough desire to achieve it. Your knowledge, talents, abilities and resources will naturally be aimed in the direction of your strongest desires.

If your strongest desire is to climb a mountain, you’ll find a way to do it. If your strongest desire is to sit in front of the TV and eat cupcakes, you’ll find a way to do that as often as possible.

If your desires seem to lack ambition, perhaps it is simply out of ignorance. We cannot desire what we do not know. Acquaint yourself with the best that life has to offer and your true desires will become more lofty.

We’re all quite successful at fulfilling our strongest, most genuine desires. What you truly desire you will certainly have. So learn to desire the very best that life has to offer.

— Ralph Marston

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