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I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Saturday, July 31, 1999

Let yourself live

Life is too precious to waste it on anger, worry, envy or despair. If something is troubling you, it serves no useful purpose to add trouble of your own. Accept it and then do something about it, with positive, focused purpose. Let go of your anger, your worry and your other crippling states of mind as quickly as you can. Free yourself from the limitations imposed by your own negativity.

Let go, and let yourself live. It is very easy to do, if you’ll just let yourself do it. You were born to be creative and joyful. Any time you spend on vengeance, hatred and anxiety is mainly cheating yourself. Get on with the delightful work of fulfilling your own unique destiny.

There is nothing which can keep you down when you’re committed to being the best you can be. Your negativity is something which you can take or leave as you wish. So leave it behind you as quickly as you can. Get on with the business of being alive and full of joy, of meeting the challenges with a positive, effective determination. Today, right now, is a great time to start.

— Ralph Marston

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