Saturday, July 17, 1999
Break free
Want to be free of your burdens? Then do something about them! Even the smallest things can get to be a big burden over time. Unresolved situations take a toll each time you think of them. They clutter your mind with worry and apprehension. They slow you down and enslave you.
The instant you start to take action, the whole dynamic of the problem changes. Instead of being a slave to the problem, you become a master of your own circumstances. Think of how great it feels when you finally get around to taking care of something that has needed your attention for a long time. Why would you possibly want to delay a moment longer?
How much energy do you lose each day worrying about things which need to be attended to? How much more could you get accomplished if you did not have all those concerns? Neglecting your problems will not make them go away. It will just put them at the back of your mind where they will continue to drain you of energy, each and every day.
Free yourself from your burdens by stepping up and doing something positive about them right now.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©1999 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.