Saturday, July 3, 1999
Three steps to success
The three most important steps to achieving anything are the last step, the first step and the next step.
The last step is the final step you take to reach the goal you seek. This is the step which clearly and precisely defines what you wish to accomplish. It’s also an important step in charting a clear and specific plan of action. To develop a realistic plan for reaching your goal, begin with the last step. Next, determine the step before that, and then work backwards until you’ve constructed a solid connection between where you are now and where you wish to be.
The first step is also very important. Once you determine what it is, it’s critical that you take that step right away. There’s no point in setting a goal if you don’t immediately start working toward it. No matter what the goal, there is always some step you can take right now. It is vital that you do just that.
The next step is perhaps the most important. From the time you begin until the goal is achieved, there is always a next step waiting to be taken. Keep taking that next step, step after step, and you will surely reach the goal.
Ralph Marston

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