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The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does.
-- Napoleon Hill


Tuesday, June 29, 1999


Opportunity is not a free ride. It is a challenge. And therein lies its value. Success cannot be handed to you. Accomplishment cannot be given to you. It’s not something you happen upon. Being in the right place at the right time is worthless unless you make the effort to act on that opportunity.

Others can lead you to an opportunity or point one out to you, but no one can give you opportunity. It is yours only when you begin to act upon it.

Opportunity is a compelling challenge to achieve. Challenge is one of the very best things you can ever experience. When you face challenge you learn, you grow, you reach, you discover truths, you discover yourself.

Challenge will bring out the best in you, and make it better. Do you sense an opportunity? Then take up the challenge. Success is yours if you make it, and no one is better than you at making the special success that you desire most fervently.

— Ralph Marston

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