Friday, June 18, 1999
Your masterpiece
What gifts can you give today that will never break down or rust away? What words can you say that will turn into unending treasures? What joys can you know today that will always be a part of you?
Rather than thinking about what you can get out of today, consider how you can use this day to express your true self. You’ve waited long enough. You’ve acquired enough. You’re adequately prepared. Today is a day to live.
Remember what that means. Remember that you are the embodiment of a miracle known as life. You are not going to be someday. You are right now, already.
There is astounding beauty right in front of your eyes. Relish it. There is the potential for joy in every moment. Live it and celebrate it. Though superficial chains may seem to bind you, you are in fact free to live each moment fully and gloriously.
Smile. Love. Be you. Today is a giant canvas and you are equipped like no one else to paint your own living masterpiece. Fill it with passion, color and depth.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©1999 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.