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You'll never find a better sparring partner than adversity.
-- Walt Schmidt


Friday, June 11, 1999

Get rich

Learn to love the sunrise, and you’ll become richer every morning. Learn to love the challenges, and those things which stop most other people will serve to spur you on. Learn to love those around you, and your wealth will multiply with each life you touch.

You’ll find richness and fulfillment in the things you love, where otherwise you would have found nothing. Being truly rich is not a matter of getting what you want. It is loving what you have and being who you are. You already have it all. Learn to love it and it will fill your life with riches.

What do you love? Where do you find the most authentic fulfillment? When no one is watching, when you have no need to impress anyone, when you have the time and resources available to you, what do you do? Whatever you love, value and truly appreciate will indeed make you rich.

— Ralph Marston

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