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It doesn't work to leap a twenty-foot chasm in two ten-foot jumps.
-- American proverb


Saturday, June 5, 1999


Reaching is an activity that’s not just confined to the arms and hands. When you reach with all you have, nothing is out of range.

Reach with your legs. If something is currently out of reach, get yourself moving and go to where it is within your reach. Make the effort to move toward your goals, rather than just waiting for them to come within easy reach.

Reach with your mind. Visualize your objectives. See them clearly in your mind and you will have already begun to obtain them. Use the power of your thought to develop a realistic strategy and plan of action for their attainment.

Reach with your imagination. Be creative in your reaching. There’s always more than one way to accomplish each objective. Put your imagination to work and expand your possibilities. If one path is hopelessly blocked, imagine a dozen alternatives and then follow the most compelling one.

Reach with your spirit. Experience the joy in each moment of living and you’ll cultivate within yourself a consciousness of fulfillment. There is so much more you can reach when you are sincerely thankful for the things you’ve already attained.

— Ralph Marston

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