virgin islands scene

I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.
-- Lily Tomlin


Monday, May 3, 1999

It only works both ways

Part of providing value to others is making sure you receive value in return. For example, if you have a conversation with someone, and you do all the talking, neither one of you benefits as much as if there had been a give-and-take interaction.

Imagine what would happen if one of the major automobile manufacturers decided to give away its products for free. Initially, a lot of happy people would get free cars. Eventually, though, the company would run out of money. All the employees would leave. Suppliers would stop shipping parts. The company would no longer be able to produce any automobiles. In the end, the consumer would lose and the company would lose.

Lopsided transfers of value are never sustainable. It is in the best interest of everyone when value flows in both directions. Honor others by exchanging value with them. Don’t cheat people by letting them take value from you without getting them to provide value to you in return. Don’t spread the lie that there’s such a thing by pretending to offer a free lunch.

Provide true, substantial value to others by making sure you get value in return.

— Ralph Marston

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