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It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to.
-- Walter Linn


Friday, April 16, 1999

Victim or victor?

Have you chosen to be a victim or a victor?

Victims say “I’m too busy.” Victors say “I’ll find the time.” Victims look for excuses not to even make an attempt. Victors look for ways to get it done. Victims ask for pity. Victors look for challenge.

Victims worry about who is to blame. Victors find a way to make a difference. Victims complain. Victors take action. Victims find comfort in the weakness of others. Victors help others to develop their strengths.

Victims agonize over yesterday’s losses. Victors prepare for the opportunities of tomorrow. Victims take credit. Victors accept responsibility. Victims search for quick and easy answers to their problems. Victors spend the time and effort needed to build the life they desire.

In each day are abundant opportunities for you to be a victim, and just as many ways for you to be a victor. The choice is yours. How do you wish to live today?

— Ralph Marston

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