virgin islands scene

I want a busy life, a just mind, and a timely death.
-- Zora Neale Hurston


Wednesday, March 17, 1999


Do you ever get frustrated? Have you ever been disappointed? Consider this. Frustration and disappointment come not from the circumstances. After all, the same situation can make one person totally frustrated while another person may not even give it a second thought.

Frustration and disappointment come from your own knowledge that things can be better. The only reason frustration is possible is your ability to visualize a better world. When you’re frustrated it is because you have a positive vision, because you see and you know how much better life can be.

Think about it. Isn’t that great? The next time you feel frustrated, remember that you’re not simply frustrated or disappointed. Rather, you’re busy envisioning a better world. Keep that in mind, and the frustration will become a positive force, focusing your mind not on the situation, but on the possibilities. Wrap yourself around the positive kernel of your frustration, and grow from there into something magnificent.

Use the energy of your frustration to follow the powerful possibilities which that frustration presumes.

— Ralph Marston

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