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If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even less.
-- General Eric Shinseki


Tuesday, March 2, 1999

The time has come

Aren’t you finally ready to live up to your full potential? Haven’t you had enough of watching yourself settle for less than you know you’re capable of achieving? Isn’t it time to be honest with your possibilities and true to your deep-seated desires?

The time has come, the moment is here. You’re ready to reach for the stars. You wonder why you waited so long, but there’s no use in dwelling on that. It is time to move forward.

You were born to do great things. That frustration that’s been gnawing at your spirit is urging you to get on with it. Will it be difficult? Yes, it will require considerable effort. But is that really so bad? It sure beats doing nothing!

Fill your life with the richness that comes from following your own remarkable possibilities. There is so much you can do, so much you can create, so much you can become. And now is the time to begin.

Live your own special greatness. You have the time, the desire and the energy. Why would you want to do anything else? Why would you possibly settle for less? Make a difference. Make it happen. It’s your life and it’s overflowing with great possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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