Wednesday, February 24, 1999
Seek challenge
Challenge is a requisite part of any achievement. The more effectively you can meet challenges, the more you’ll be able to achieve. Not only does challenge pull you toward achievement, it also strengthens you so that you may successfully face the even greater challenges that lead to even higher accomplishments.
That’s why it is so important to continually challenge yourself. There’s no question that difficult challenges will come with each new thing you attempt. So it pays to be prepared.
Seek out small challenges, and by so doing you gain the ability to triumph in the face of even bigger ones. Growth comes at a price, and challenge is a major part of that price.
Get used to challenge. Get experienced with overcoming challenges. Challenge yourself, and you’ll remain strong in the face of the challenges which the world will surely send your way. Embrace challenge, and it becomes an opportunity rather than an obstacle.
Ralph Marston

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