Wednesday, February 3, 1999
Make the most
Make the most of your mistakes by admitting them and learning from them. Make the most of your opportunities by being prepared to take advantage of them. Make the most of your disappointments by letting them strengthen you.
Make the most of your relationships by acting with gratitude, respect and consideration. Make the most of your time by keeping in mind how precious each moment is. Make the most of your frustration by accepting its energy and turning it toward positive pursuits.
Make the most of your work by constantly looking for ways to provide more value. Make the most of your weaknesses by letting them guide you toward improvement.
Make the most of tomorrow by making a difference today. Make the most of your life by living each day with joy, passion and purpose.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©1999 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.