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Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
-- Erica Jong


Friday, January 29, 1999

Give yourself five

In just five minutes you can go from being asleep in bed to taking an early morning walk. In just five minutes you can go from having papers scattered all over your desk to working on getting everything organized. In just five minutes you can go from being angry and frustrated to being determined and focused.

In just five minutes you can change your momentum from negative to positive. Five minutes is not very long. It will go by very quickly. After five minutes, you’ll be well past whatever you were doing before, and already building a new momentum.

It takes effort to change direction, but it doesn’t take very long. In just five minutes, you can move yourself from unproductive behavior into something that really makes a difference. If there’s something you need to be doing, give yourself five minutes to get it going. Then use that momentum you’ve just created and keep going until the job is done. Give yourself five minutes, and make a change for the better, a change that could last a lifetime.

— Ralph Marston

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