virgin islands scene

To arrive at a just estimate of a renowned man's character one must judge it by the standards of his time, not ours.
-- Mark Twain


Saturday, January 23, 1999

Steady and strong

The sun rises every morning. Though it is often a magnificent sight, it is nothing new. It has happened every day, over and over again, since long before anyone was around to observe it. The sunrise is not new or different. It is not “cutting edge” technology. Yet it is absolutely essential to life as we know it on this planet.

There is power in new discoveries, in fresh approaches. Yet there is enormous power in the steady, time-tested, “monotonous” pursuits as well. A magnificent new structure, utilizing the latest in construction technology, must still be built upon a solid, stable foundation held in place by the timeless ground.

Though it is vitally important to embrace change and progress, it is just as important to preserve and maintain a strong foundation from which to build. In your pursuit for what is new, be careful not to abandon that which is already working well. Those who are steady and strong, are in the best position to benefit from that which is new and exciting.

— Ralph Marston

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