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I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.
-- Frederick Douglass


Thursday, January 21, 1999


If you’re chasing after something, that means it’s moving away from you. Can you ever hope to catch it? Rather than chasing something directly, consider attracting it to you.

When you’re chasing, your focus is on the object of your pursuit, whether it is money, a job, a relationship with another person, or anything else. That can be very frustrating because you’re focusing on something external to yourself, over which you have very little control.

When you concentrate on attracting rather than chasing, the picture changes completely. As you consider how to attract the object of your desire, your focus shifts to internal issues over which you have almost complete control.

For example, when you ask yourself the question, “How can I get more money?” it immediately brings to mind an image of money that is out of your reach. You visualize money in other people’s bank accounts, which is frustrating because you really have no control over that money. Now, ask yourself “What can I do to attract more money into my life?” Notice how the focus shifts to you -- your resources, your experience, your skills, the way you spend your time. These are things you can control. When you focus on attracting rather than chasing, a whole lot more realistic possibilities open up to you.

How do you have what is out of your reach? The surest way is to become the kind of person who will attract it.

— Ralph Marston

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