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I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
-- Pablo Picasso


Thursday, January 14, 1999

On top of the world

Go ahead. Be happy now. There’s no need to save your happiness for the future. Being happy now, does not prevent you from being happy later. In fact, being truly happy now increases the likelihood that you’ll continue to enjoy happiness.

There’s no need to wait for things to improve. Plenty of people with far less than you, have enjoyed much happiness. And by the way, things probably won’t improve until you improve them.

Being happy does not mean being frivolous. You can be happy, and still be serious, disciplined and focused. Being happy is mainly about enjoying where you are and what you’re doing, rather than fighting against them. And anything you enjoy, you’ll do more effectively.

Happiness is a state of mind and attitude that you can put yourself into at any time you wish. There are certain things which you will do today. Do them happily and see how much more you will accomplish, and how great you’ll feel. Go ahead. Lift your head up and smile. Choose to be happy and you’re on top of the world.

— Ralph Marston

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