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Virtue is its own reward.
-- Cicero


Friday, January 8, 1999

Build on your blessings

Right this moment, there are many, many things for which you can be thankful. Have you stopped lately to think of them all? Life may often seem difficult, and indeed it is in many ways. Yet for all life’s difficulties, still you have a multitude of blessings, most of which are too often taken for granted.

Think of five things, right now, for which you can be thankful today. Think of five blessings, and you’ll uncover five valuable treasures which can help you to grow, to build, to create, to move your life forward.

Don’t be so busy seeking treasure outside yourself, that you fail to make the most of the treasures you already have. Rather, nurture and appreciate the blessings you have, and they will grow into more abundant blessings.

Success is not something you come upon all of a sudden. It is something which grows outward from inside of you. It is a blessing you already have, which you nurture until it blossoms. Appreciate what you have, as often and as fully as you can. Nurture your blessings, with your focus and your effort, and they’ll grow into all you could ever desire.

— Ralph Marston

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