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Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
-- Samuel Johnson


Saturday, January 2, 1999

Go for it

Dream big dreams. Expect the very best from life. Set your standards high. Reach for the stars.

Success demands effort and sacrifice. Success demands your energy, your focus and your persistence. So make sure that the success you aim to achieve is worth the price you pay. Otherwise, you won’t be willing to pay that price.

In the end, the low road is just as long and difficult as the high road. So go ahead and take the high road. Make the journey worth the effort. Life exacts a price, and you will surely pay it. So you might as well pay happily and reap the rewards.

Aim high, dream big, go for the best, and make your days count for all they’re worth. Use your days to make a real difference. After all, what better use could they possibly have?

— Ralph Marston

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