virgin islands scene

There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
-- Anais Nin


Thursday, December 31, 1998


Someday you’ll discover that living brings more fulfillment than buying. Someday you’ll realize that each day is a golden treasure, far too precious to be wasted pursuing someone else’s idea of happiness.

Someday you’ll discover that you already have enough, and will spend your time being rather than getting. Someday you’ll understand the futility of taking shortcuts, and will hunger for the solid nourishment of living with integrity. Someday you’ll experience the magnificent abundance which comes from giving of yourself. Someday you’ll live each moment with purpose and passion.

That someday is coming. There’s nothing stopping it but you. Someday life will be filled with joy and meaning. That someday can be today. Live it, and it is yours.

— Ralph Marston

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