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The need to be right (driven by ego) crowds out the opportunity to be persuasive.
-- Scott Adams


Tuesday, November 17, 1998

Keep your vision strong

It is all too easy to accept the limits placed on you by other people or by random circumstances. Easy, yes, but where does that get you? Do you want your vision to be eroded by the small-mindedness of those around you? What is your purpose, anyway -- to just get along, or to make a real difference?

Respect the opinions of others, to be sure. There is much you can learn from them. Let them challenge you, support you and push you forward. Don’t let them limit you. You are your own person. Only you know what you are capable of achieving. No one else has the ability to limit that, unless you let them. Sure, the negative comments and criticism can sting. Yet you must learn from them and move forward.

You are truly blessed with a magnificent, powerful, unique life. There are so many places you can go, so many wonderful things you can do. In all of history, there has never been anyone who can equal you. Keep your vision strong. Set your own limits. Set your own standards, and set them high. This is your life we’re talking about. It’s worth every effort you can give to it.

— Ralph Marston

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