virgin islands scene

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.
-- Abraham Lincoln


Monday, November 9, 1998

The middle ground

There’s more to climbing a mountain than reaching the peak.

In between any desire and the fulfillment of that desire lies a vast middle ground of focused and consistent effort -- much of it tedious, some of it painful, all of it necessary.

No matter how strong your desire, just knowing where you want to be will not get you there. You’ve got to cover that middle ground between where you are and where you’re going. Before you can climb the mountain, you must first reach its base with the training, the resources and the energy necessary to make the climb. Then there’s the climb itself.

Success comes from doing the dirty work, having the patience, making the cold calls, getting yourself prepared, being disciplined, staying committed, doing your homework, accepting responsibility, and continuing to take action.

Winning comes not from crossing the finish line, but from running the whole race.

— Ralph Marston

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