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Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Saturday, October 24, 1998


Hope will keep you going if you don’t let it hold you back.

For hope to be of value, it must be put into action. Hope cannot be a substitute for action. If we hope that things will get better, and then use that hope as a reason to avoid the effort that would make them better, what has hope achieved?

We can act with hope, yet it is not enough to depend on hope alone. Indeed, we must respect our hopes by making a commitment to them -- a solid commitment of time, energy and action. Hope must not become an excuse, but rather an inspiration.

Have hope, and be careful not to take refuge in it. Live each moment with hope, while knowing that you cannot prosper by hope alone. You’ll find power in your hopes. Put that power into action. Hope for the best, and then do what it takes to make that a reality.

— Ralph Marston

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