Tuesday, October 13, 1998
Welcome criticism just as you would welcome praise. No matter what you might say or do there will always be those who are anxious to criticize.
Generally, it is a waste of time to refute the criticism of others. When you speak the truth and act with integrity, you will be proven right in the end. So if the criticism is unjustified, it will be discredited with or without your defense. If the criticism is indeed justified, then your best course is to heed it rather than to refute it.
Criticism can hurt you only if you let it. Put honest thought, effort, competence and commitment into your undertakings, and the criticism of others will not matter. The negativity of your critics is their problem, not yours.
Focus on going forward in pursuit of your goals. Let your critics enjoy the perverse pleasure of their negativity, while you move right on past them.
Ralph Marston

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