virgin islands scene

He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
-- George Eliot


Thursday, September 10, 1998


To change anything for the better, you must first accept it as it is. Acceptance is not the same as approval. Acceptance is not the same as giving up. In fact, acceptance puts us in a better position to carry on.

There is no point in fighting against the way things are. Far better to work toward things as you wish them to be. Denial gets you nowhere. Action gets you anywhere, when it has a clearly defined focus.

Accept what is, understand it and let it be. It is your starting point. To achieve anything, you must clearly and precisely define what you wish to accomplish. Then, you must determine exactly how you will get there. And for that, you must first accept where you are.

It is of little value to find your destination on a map, if you cannot also find your present location. Right now is a great time and place to start moving toward your dreams. Accept what is, and you’re on your way.

— Ralph Marston

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