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Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.
-- Seneca


Wednesday, September 2, 1998

Life’s hopes

Darkness has no place to hide when the midday sun shines, brightly persistent. Fill your life, your thoughts, your actions with goodness, and there will be scant room for despair.

Though turmoil may be all around, you set your own standards, you define the quality of your own thoughts, you control your own conduct. You can rise above the rest, not because you are inherently better, but because of the choices you make.

Your good fortune comes not from fads, trends, or clever deception, for those things never last. It comes from your own commitment to excellence, from the value you create, from the true and meaningful difference you make.

Rise above the shoving fray, not out of spite but compelled by the irrefutable possibilities which this life presents. You are meant for excellence. Live up to life’s hopes for you.

— Ralph Marston

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