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We have it in our power to begin the world again.
-- Thomas Paine


Monday, August 31, 1998

Nothing better to do

The thought that there’s something better to do will constantly nag at you and distract you if you let it. When you’re thinking that there’s something better to do, you begin to resent what you’re currently doing. Your focus suffers. Your commitment suffers. Your effectiveness suffers.

Whatever you’re doing, work as if there is nothing better to do. That way you can finish that work competently and effectively, and move on to whatever is next. Bring all your commitment and focus to the task at hand. If the “something better to do” thought comes up, quickly put it out of your mind by saying to yourself, “No, that’s of no concern right now."

Of course you have priorities. Some things are certainly more important than others. Yet if you waste your time while doing the “little things” wishing you could be working on the “big things,” how does that benefit you? Give your complete focus and attention to the little things when necessary, and you’ll end up with more time to devote to the big things.

— Ralph Marston

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