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Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.
-- Napoleon Bonaparte


Wednesday, August 19, 1998

Step ahead

You can take just one step, can’t you? Even when you’re weary, and your spirits are down, you can take just one more step.

That’s all you ever need to take at once. Just a single step. Anyone can do it. You certainly can. And then, take just one more. Repeat the effort until the goal is reached. There’s no need to do it all at once. It is impossible, and even if you could, you wouldn’t want to.

Take just one step forward, and suddenly you’re making progress. Take one step, and today is considerably brighter than yesterday. Take one step, and momentum is on your side. Take the first step, and the next step becomes vastly easier. Take another step forward and you’ve greatly increased the probability of reaching your goal.

At any moment in time, you can be slipping back or moving forward. Keep moving ahead, one step at a time, and you cannot avoid success.

— Ralph Marston

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