virgin islands scene

The pain passes, but the beauty remains.
-- Pierre Auguste Renoir


Wednesday, August 12, 1998

Decide in advance

Compared to all the other days in your life, how will today be? Will it be better, worse, or about the same? What could you do, as you go through the day, that would make this the best day you’ve ever experienced? What would make it the worst?

Most people assume that they won’t really know how today will be, until it is over. That is a mistaken assumption. Because it is not external events which determine the quality of your experience. You determine the quality of your experience.

The next sales call you make can be your very best ever. The next round of golf you play can be better than any you’ve ever played before -- if you decide in advance that it will be, and take the steps under your control which will make it so. Look realistically at where you are right now. Then challenge yourself to identify and execute the specific steps which will improve your experience.

If you operate under the assumption that life will just happen to you, you’ll most certainly be disappointed in the results. Decide in advance what will make it a great day, then live it!

— Ralph Marston

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