virgin islands scene

We are either progressing or retrograding all the while. There is no such thing as remaining stationary in this life.
-- James Freeman Clarke


Thursday, August 6, 1998

Keep it up

The first step gets you started, but it does not get you there. Success rarely comes from a single effort. It almost always is the result of persistence. No matter how boldly, or how magnificently you start, it is not enough. You must see it through.

We often put all our effort into getting started, and all our hope into the initial effort. Yet it is far better to start small and finish, than to start big and abandon the effort.

One only has to look to nature to find evidence that this is true. The tallest tree begins as a tiny seed. Practically every living thing starts out very small and achieves the full richness of life through steady, sustained growth. Even lifeless things such as storms and rivers, start small and grow over time.

Give your best to the first effort, and then continue for as long as it takes. More surely than with any other factor, success comes with persistence.

— Ralph Marston

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