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Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
-- Robert F. Kennedy


Friday, July 24, 1998


Your thoughts have the power to shape your life, and you have the power to control your thoughts. Every action you take, begins with a thought. Everything you know, is filtered through your own unique set of thoughts.

Do your thoughts build your life or do they hold you back? Thought is the starting point for everything you do. It takes no more effort to think positive, creative, uplifting and inspiring thoughts than it does to think negative, destructive, depressing thoughts.

A thought may seem like a small, insignificant thing. And yet, one thought builds on another, and another thought builds on that, and so on. The power of thought comes from the cumulative effect of all those seemingly insignificant thoughts.

Success and achievement in any undertaking come from constantly controlling all those little thoughts, keeping them focused on the desired goal. Anyone can do it. You can think whatever thoughts you want to think, and they will take you wherever you want to go.

— Ralph Marston

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