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By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist, we create it.
-- Nikos Kazantzakis


Friday, June 19, 1998

Whatever you make

Most anything that happens can be useful to you, or it can set you back, depending primarily on what you make of it.

Get into the habit of asking yourself “how can I make the best of this?” For example, a couple of hours ago I jumped into my car to make a 10-minute run to the post office. Along the way, a 2-inch bolt became imbedded in my right front tire. Now I’m sitting in the waiting room of a tire dealer, getting the damage repaired.

I could have spend a few hours fretting about the loss of my time, and how unfair it was. And I must admit, I did spend a few minutes in that mode. But then I asked myself, “how can I make the best of this?” The answer -- get out a pen and paper and write this message.

The various circumstances in which you find yourself can serve as excuses, or they can be turned into opportunities. What’s great about the time and place in which you find yourself? Whatever you make of it.

— Ralph Marston

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