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It takes guts to get out of the ruts.
-- Robert Schuller


Tuesday, June 2, 1998

What you want

You are powerful. Whatever you set your mind on having, you will have. Whatever you decide to be, you will be. The evidence is all around you. The power of your will has brought you precisely to where you are right now.

You have made the choices, you have held the thoughts, you have taken the actions to create your current reality. And you have the power to change it into whatever you want it to be.

With the choices you make, you are constantly fulfilling the vision you have for your life. If that does not seem to be the case, then you are deceiving yourself about what you really want. Because what you really, truly want, you will get. What you truly wanted in the past, you already have.

If you want to build a billion-dollar business, you’ll take the actions necessary to do it. If you want to sit comfortably watching TV night after night, you’ll take the actions necessary for that. Don’t be disappointed with your results -- they’re just the outward manifestation of your priorities. Be sure of what you truly want, because you are sure to get it.

— Ralph Marston

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