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We are hoarding potentials so great that they are just about unimaginable.
-- Jack Schwartz


Saturday, May 30, 1998

Make the effort

To get from here to there, takes plain old ordinary effort. You can be brimming with a positive attitude, full of superb ideas, smart, experienced, and well connected. Yet even with all that going for you, you still must put out effort in order to make things happen.

There is no substitute for effort. You can work smarter, to be sure, but you must work. There is no magic secret, no technological contraption, no cleverly designed “system” that will replace the need for effort. These things can certainly make your efforts far more effective. Without your effort and initiative, though, they are useless.

The effort necessary for achievement is often difficult and uncomfortable. It will stretch you and likely demand more of you than you thought you had. And therein lies the true reward of success.

— Ralph Marston

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