virgin islands scene

If you can dream it, you can do it.
-- Walt Disney


Monday, May 18, 1998

Unaffordable extravagance

Negative thinking is perhaps the most extravagant, wasteful indulgence imaginable. It is something which no one alive can truly afford.

The price which negative thinking extracts can never be regained, because the price of negative thinking is paid with life. How is it possible for anyone to replace a moment, or a day or a year lost to negativity? And beyond the lost opportunity that it represents, negative thinking is just plain destructive. It accomplishes nothing and it costs so much.

Fortunately, negative thinking is completely unnecessary. And it is completely under your control. You don’t have to participate in it if you don’t want to. And why in the world would you ever want to?

No matter what comes your way, you can decide how to respond. Even in the most seemingly hopeless of situations, the best course is to remain focused on the positive, on what you can do, on the difference you can make. Why would you possibly want to do anything else?

— Ralph Marston

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