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If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.
-- Margaret Thatcher


Wednesday, February 11, 1998


"For it is said that humans are never satisfied,
 that you give them one thing and they want
 something more. And this is said in disparagement,
 whereas it is one of the greatest talents the species has..."
                    -- John Steinbeck

Think of all the great accomplishments which have come about because people were not satisfied with the way things were. We are never satisfied, yet we continue to pursue satisfaction. In the process we achieve some measure of greatness. We invent, we create, we express, we cooperate, we build, we challenge and we think, all because we can never be completely satisfied.

Fulfillment comes not from ever reaching a state of absolute satisfaction, but rather from continually moving toward it. If we ever achieved absolute satisfaction, we certainly would not be satisfied with it. There would no challenge against which it could be applied.

Just as money would be worthless if there was nothing to buy, the sense of satisfaction we get from our accomplishments would be useless if there was nothing more to accomplish.

There’s always something more to be done. Find your joy in doing it.

— Ralph Marston

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