Wednesday, January 14, 1998
Remember the basics
Let’s face it. Achievement is no picnic. It is hard work. It is often tedious. The most spectacular success is not easily or quickly won. To accomplish anything worthwhile frequently requires doing the same thing, over and over again and again, for as long as it takes. Winners focus on mastering the fundamentals, rather than chasing every new gimmick that comes along.
You’ve probably seen this happen many times in your own town. A trendy restaurant will promote an exciting new “concept", draw crowds for a few months, and then lose most of its business to the next new fad. Meanwhile, other restaurants focus on perfecting their food, their service, their dependability, their cleanliness, their convenience and their reputation -- and build a loyal clientele which stays with them for the long haul.
Sometimes we become so familiar with the fundamentals, that we forget how important they are. Yet no one is so accomplished, or so highly experienced, that they can afford to ignore the basics.
Often the most exciting and significant results come from the most tedious efforts. Remember the basics. Persist and you will prevail.
Ralph Marston

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