virgin islands scene

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Monday, January 12, 1998

What you have

Sit beneath a magnificent oak tree, and realize that everything the tree has ever needed, has come to it. The nourishing food, minerals, water and sunlight, all have been flowing past the tree, or within its reach, for the entire life of the tree. Though by its growth it has reached out, not once has the tree had to go anywhere to get what it needed.

The tree grows and prospers by its ability to make use of what’s available, right where it is. The strong, towering, enduring tree has accomplished its impressive growth by simply using what it has.

The next time you feel you have to go somewhere, or get something or struggle in some way, in order to be happy, or in order to accomplish something, think of the mighty oak tree.

It is wonderful that you can move about, and that you can cause so much to happen. Yet in all your doing and going and getting, don’t neglect what you already have. Richness and fulfillment come not from simply getting more, but from making full use of what you have.

— Ralph Marston

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