virgin islands scene

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
-- Kahlil Gibran


Wednesday, December 17, 1997

Live authentically

In order to live the life you want, you must be who you are. That may sound like a cute play on words, but think about it.

Do you think your own thoughts? Do you dream your own dreams? Do you set your own goals? Or do you borrow them from someone else? Having more and more of what you don’t really want in the first place, will not bring happiness. The life you want, will not come from following someone else’s dream, or someone else’s idea of the best place to live, or someone else’s idea of the best car to drive.

True happiness and fulfillment require that you have the courage to be your own person. There’s a reason why you want the things you want. It is because you’re the person best equipped to achieve them.

When you authentically pursue what you truly want from life, then you are fulfilling your own unique set of possibilities, making your own special contribution, creating value as only you can do.

Be authentically you. You, and all the world, will be richer for it.

— Ralph Marston

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