virgin islands scene

To fly, we have to have resistance.
-- Maya Lin


Tuesday, November 4, 1997

Start now

You’ll get it done, if you start right now. Yes, there’s so much to do. The task at the moment seems insurmountable. But there’s no time to worry or fret. Get on with it. Get started right now.

Your actions can take you where your thoughts dare not even dream you’ll go, if you’ll get started now. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be done. If you wait and worry, nothing will come. Look up, speak up, stand up, and make it happen.

Achievement is in the doing. Don’t wait idly for it to be delivered -- that delivery will never come. Do what you can right now, no matter how little it may seem to be. There is something you can do. Though you can think of a thousand reasons not to, start now, and you’re on your way.

— Ralph Marston

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