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Some people change their ways when they see the light; others when they feel the heat.
-- Caroline Schoeder


Friday, October 17, 1997

Take it easy

It’s easier to be sincere, than to pretend. It’s easier to be truthful, than to maintain deception. It’s easier to take action, than to live with regret. It’s easier to do it right, than to go back and fix it.

It’s easier to plan ahead, than to play catch up. It’s easier to achieve excellence, than to endure mediocrity. It is easier to live with purpose and direction, than it is to have others control your life.

It is easier to get the job finished now, than to come back to it later. It’s easier to work with cooperation and respect, than to scheme and fight.

It is easier to speak up, than to live with injustice. It is easier to ask and learn, than to live in ignorance.

After all is said and done, life is easier when we live it as it was meant to be lived -- with purpose, honesty, effort, respect and focus.

— Ralph Marston

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